Tuesday, October 14, 2008

our LONG move home!

All week last week we packed, cleaned, and hung out with friends to say our goodbyes. Saturday morning Lee's parents came up to help us carry our stuff back on a u-haul. We got everything in our cars and the u-haul and started on our caravan back to Alabama. We take I-24 to Nashville then get on I-65 the rest of the way home. While on I-24 we came to a standstill around mile-marker 24. Not knowing what was going on or where we were we thought we would just wait it out... little did we know that would mean 5 hours on the interstate moving about 100 feet every half hour to exit 31! Thankfully our cars were together so we could talk to each other to pass time, but still!! We finally got through to Nashville and stopped to eat at Shoney's since they were the only place open at 11 at night then made it home around 1 am! We have slowly got all our stuff un-packed between the parents houses and now it's time to continue the job hunt!!

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