Monday, November 17, 2008


Last night Lee and I went to his church for a service honoring his Granddad who has been in the choir for over 55 years! Bro. Tim preached on discouragement.. so it was meant for me to hear. As you know I've been looking for ANY job now for a month straight. After 3 interviews and no calls back, I gave up. Last night I turned my discouragement over to God... Guess who called this morning? I got a job in huntsville at Rahmati Law Firm! I interviewed with them 2 weeks ago and heard nothing, so I assumed that the job was given to someone else. The office told me that they had a "hard time" choosing from the interviewers. I think it was more "God's timing" that slowed them down!!

1 comment:

The Langfords said...

CONGRATS!!! I am so glad to hear you have a job!!